Thursday is Christmas

Whats up family,
We get to talk this Thursday are you all excited. I can´t believe that it is already Christmas. The time is really flying. Well I´m hear in Dolores and it is a lot different than T-bó. The area is a lot nicer there aren´t as many dirt roads and the overall living conditions are a lot better. But i will admit that i do miss T-bó i loved that place i hope that i get the chance to return during my mission for a sector conference or something. But this area is really good. We had a baptism last Friday. It was really cool a little boy named Carlitos was baptized by his father. Carlitos has already read the Book of Mormon with the pictures and he understood everything he is such a smart kid. The ward here is a lot smaller than the ward in T-bó but it seems to me to be a good strong ward. So my new companion is from El Salvador. I am going to learn a lot of spanish this change it is going to be a lot of fun. We get along really well. He speaks english almost fluently. But we usually speak spanish together. He has three changes more than i do. He started his mission last February so he is almost at his year mark. Can you believe that i already have been gone for 6 months that is crazy the time goes by really fast. It isn´t as hot here in Dolores as it was in T-bó i think that there isn´t as much humidity. I still sweat a ton but what can i do about that. Dolores is just a little city and we are the only missionaries here. We are in the zone of Mercedes but we have to travel 40 minutes to go to district meeting every Tuesday. It is a lot different because we are out here on our own. It is weird to think that it is already christmas i swear that yesterday i was shoveling snow and know i am in a country where there is not any snow or mountains. About the phone call i probably will call you at 11 o’clock in the morning. That will be 4 o’clock here and 3 o’clock in chile. I am will call you from my house and give you the number that you need to call me and then you can call me right back. I can´t wait to here everyone´s voice it is going to be really cool. I hope i hope you don´t think i sound funny or anything but i bet i have a little different accent. We had changes last Tuesday and i left T-bó at 6 and i didn´t sleep at all that night. But now i think i am back to normal Wednesday i about feel asleep during a couple of our lessons. I love you all and can´t wait to talk to you on Thursday at 11 o’clock. Espero que ustedes estén animados. Les amo y les hablaré este jueves. Tengan un buen día. Gracias por todo su amor y apoyo.
Elder Tate