Hello Everyone

Hola familia,
How is everyone doing? Everything is going great here in Bella Union. This last week went by really fast and i can´t believe that it is already my year mark in the mission. This week is going to go by just as fast if not faster because i am doing divisions with the zone leaders until Thursday and on Thursday we are going to paysandú for our sector conference. I hope that i don´t miss the bus this time. Elder Bowen is coming to the conference and it is going to be amazing.So it is so much fun having a new Elder in the mission. His name is Elder Arnett. He is from Walla Walla Washington. He is such a stud i can´t believe that i got so lucky to have him as my comp. It has been so much fun it is amazing because he already speaks Spanish. Well he learned a lot in the MTC in Argentina. We are having so much fun together it really is amazing how much we have in common. Really we are like the same person. I don´t have my camera with me or i would send a couple of pics but i will send some next week. My pants just wore out the fabric is really thin and finally it just wore through. So if you could just put a couple of dollars in the account so that i can buy some new ones. Other than that my clothes are holding out really well. My shirts are pretty off white but they still look good.So i sent a package home with Elder Pierce and i should be getting there in a couple of weeks. I gave him our house number and Elyse´s cell number the package is for everyone so you can both go together and meet Elder Pierce he is such a stud i love that kid.Other than that everything is going normal here in the Guay. I hope that everything works out well with Jodi´s pregnancy i will keep her in my prays. I love you all have fun and work hard. Have you taken the boat out yet? Just have it hitched up in a year from now. I love you all.
Elder Tate