Letter from Elder Tate!

Hey familia,

How is everyone doing this week? Things are going great here in Bella Union. I am glad to here that everything is going awesome with Cole. Yes i got the pics that you sent of him. He looked like a pretty big boy but i don´t know if the pics made him look like that. How much longer will he be in the hospital? I can´t believe that this Saturday is the 4th of July, i remember being in the MTC and watching the fireworks last year the time has really gone by fast.
About the whole scarf thing don´t worry about sending anything down to me it is fine. By the time i got here it would already be warm. The weather is changing down here the people have told me that 15-20 years ago there were 4 seasons but now there are only two. Really it is true because i got here in august and it was cold and by September it was warm so there is only 2 more months of cold weather and then it will just be hot the whole time.
That is cool that you have all of these oportunidades to serve in the temple. I really miss the temple i hope i can go soon. Mom are you going on the young women's camp out? Did you get another calling? Have fun, that is one thing that i do miss a lot is the outdoors. I can´t wait to go camping again.
We had two investigators in church yesterday and they are progressing really good. We should have had a couple more but one of them her mom died so she was with her family the whole time. But we are teaching this man named Alarico, he is an older man but it is cool because the missionaries taught him along time ago but he didn´t progress and they dropped him but they left the Book of Mormon with him. And the other day we found him and he has read the Book of Mormon twice all of it!!! I asked him what was his favorite part and he told me the part about Captain Moroni. It was really cool and he is progressing great.
I love you all have fun watching the fireworks on the 4th of july. Just think next year i will be there to watch them with you all. I hope that everything is going great and that you are all having fun. I love you have a great week. Chao

Elder Tate