It's a Boy.... I'm going to be a Dad!

Hello everyone,
How has your week been? i can´t believe that it is already change week. the time is really flying by. well i have some news....i don´t know who my next companion is. i have to go down to Montevideo to pick him up on Wednesday. i will be his first comp in the mission field. i´m kind of nervous to train but it is going to be an awesome experience. so i will send you all the information next Monday. but i am staying here in Bella union so that is a good thing. the work is going really well so it should be a great area to train a greeny or oro is what they are called here in the mission.last week i did divisions with the zone leaders down in salto it was really fun. i stayed in the same house as Elder Oswald for 4 days. i had a really cool experience down there. we ended up at a members house and they were watching their 5 month old grandson and all the sudden he started to have a seizure and it went into panic mode in the house. they were getting ready to go to the hospital and i just got the idea to give him a blessing so Elder Tyler and i gave him a blessing and by the end of the blessing he stopped and they took him to the hospital anyway and everything was perfectly fine. i just amazed me how the Lord put us in that house at the right time to help. it was amazing.we went down to salto for p-day last week and it was a lot of fun that is the thing that kind of stinks about being so far away from everyone, we can´t really be part of the zone activities. also i sent home a package with Elder Pierce so you should be getting a call in a couple weeks he is going to bring it by the house or you will meet up with him somewhere. oh another thing one of my pairs of pants got ruined the other day. i blew out the butt and it is unfixable so i am going to buy some in salto so if you could just make sure my account doesn´t get to low because i just took our some money the other day to send home the package. in the package i send home some slipper thing and some alfajors the candy here and some dulce de leche you are going to love it.the weather has cooled off for real this time it is pretty cool but i am in heaven. i love you all and i am so grateful for everything that you do for me. keep up the good work and keep enjoying the sun. i love you all
Elder Tate