Hola Familia

Hey family how are you all doing? We had a really good week here. We had two baptisms Fabio and José last Saturday they went really well. We had 9 investigators in church this week it was so cool to see all of them sitting there and paying attention. It is crazy that it is almost conference, time is flying by. It is changes this week and I can’t believe that Elder Hansen is going home. I’m kind of nervous because I don’t know this mission without him but I’m excited also. I’m not leaving I’ll sill be here in T•bo but I will be with Elder McClellan he comes in tonight at midnight. I don’t know anything about him so I’ll answer those questions next week. P•day during change week is on Tuesday so that is why I’m emailing today. Our investigators are doing really well we should have some good baptisms this coming change. Every time we have a baptism it is the coolest feeling to see them take this step in their lives. Elder Hansen came with Elder Stobbe but they weren’t in the same district in the MTC. I don’t think you spanked me that much Ali is exaggerating. The names of our investigators are Olga, Felicio, Daniel, Blanca, Eduardo, Maria, Carla, and Damian. Those are the ones that are progressing. I can’t believe that it is already time to go get wood. And that Donald is in the backyard again. We had so much fun last year with that. I will miss hunting. That is cool that dad’s golf team took second. How is highland doing this year in football? P•days here we get up and do our studies as if it were a normal day and then we clean the house up and then go to the cyber (email). Sometimes we get together with the other missionaries and do an activity or something we have a lot of fun together. So that waterproof coat isn’t exactly 100% waterproof. It rained yesterday and it kept out 90% of the water. It is starting to get hot here and I get pretty sweaty. Elder Hansen tells me that in the summer it is like 110 or more plus humid I’m going to die. My Spanish is getting pretty good. I still stumble but it is really fun, the people are so nice and help me with it. I did divisions with Elder Pierce and Elder Drishinski last week. Elder Pierce is one of the zone leaders we walked so much that day it was a lot of fun though. With Elder Drishinski he only has two changes in the mission and his Spanish isn’t that good. So we walked around and tried to speak to people it was so much fun. We taught some good lessons and the people understood it was so much fun. Well I better end it for this week I love you all and I’m so grateful for all that you have done for me. Tengan una buena semana. Love your Elder. Chao Elder Tate