Hola mi familia,
¿Cómo están? Esta semana pasada fue más o menos porque no tuvimos un bautismo. Pero vamos a tener 2 o 3 bautismos esta semana que viene. GO UTES. Those pictures are AWESOME I loved them. Did Mark kill an Elk this year to if so see if you can send me the pictures? That was so much fun last year I miss hunting but I LOVE THE MISSION. We had 11 investigators in church yesterday we were so blessed. Out of those 11, 7 of them have baptismal dates is change is going to be great. We are still working with Felicio the problem we have with him is that he works on Sundays in Campaña with bees. They are harvesting the honey right now so he can’t really come to church or at least that is his excuse. Was the game crazy last week? That would have been so fun. I’m glad that they won because almost everyone is a BYU fan. How has it been having Aaron, Jodi, and Zoe living down the street? It is weird to have the whole family living so close. I bet it is a lot of fun. Is Zoe getting big? She is so cute. So this last week went by really fast I swear weeks just fly by in the mission. Can you believe that I have been on my mission for over 5 months? Crazy! My Spanish is getting good. I can have a conversion with anyone now. It is weird to be speaking a different language but way fun. The weather here isn’t too bad but it is getting hot I think that I’m getting used to it. It is hot enough that when we are sitting in lessons I can fell sweat running down my back and we have to sleep with a fan blowing on us. It is good I have some sweet tan lines. I’m so white. I'm going to try to send a package to everyone some time soon what would you all want. They have those Brazilian sandals that Aaron sent home does anyone need some? If not I’ll think of something. I love you all and I hope that everything is going great back home. Keep up the good work and always have fun. Thanks for all the support and love. I love you all. Chao Elder Tate